Open Letter to Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change mitigation.

We have a question for you:

Greta – Do you think Hamas represents human rights and freedom?

We, the Israeli Forum of Women in the Environment, are deeply hurt, shocked and disappointed with your tweets and posts regarding Gaza, which are appallingly one-sided, ill-informed, superficial and are in complete contrast to your ability to deep dive into details and get to the bottom of complex issues – at best. But to be more accurate, by expressing them you take sides with terrorists, with the worst and darkest representatives of Humans, and plainly – with the wrong side of history.

On Saturday, October 7th a brutal massacre took place in Israel. So far, we have counted 1,400 bodies of babies, children, women and men. All brutally murdered, shot, burned alive, molested before their deaths, raided by terrorists in their homes, in a music festival and randomly on the streets. Hundreds of people were kidnapped to Gaza, ages ranging from 9 months to 90 years old, including babies and people with severe illnesses (like cancer, heart failure, Parkinson) without their medication, and people with special needs such as autism and dementia, and many more are still missing.

Among the victims were a group of elderly Israelis waiting for a bus to take them on a tour, Israeli Arabs, agriculture workers from Thailand, caretakers from the Philippines who look after elderly men and women, and many other innocent lives.

Is this the way you imagine fighting for human rights? With cold-blooded killings of civilians, violent rape of women, and kidnapping of infants and the elderly?

We would like for you to learn about Dr. Shoshan Haran, Founder and President of “Fair Planet”, a nonprofit organization that aims at the success of smallholder farmers in developing countries. We are sure you will find her work and the values of the organization and this amazing woman similar to your own. Shoshana and 7 other members of her family have been missing since that gruesome black Saturday attack. The body of her husband was identified earlier this week. Please, take a moment to look at their pictures below and watch those videos about her.

Does any of this sound like a part of the fight for freedom? Are you seriously standing with the people who hold a grandmother with her grandchildren for over 14 days?

We write to you, while most of us cannot stay too far from a bomb shelter since rockets are still targeting our homes, as we mourn loved ones that we lost as a society and individuals, as members of the environmental movement, which strives for justice for humanity and nature and as women who held high of your work and leadership.

We urge you to look again at the atrocities conducted by Hamas, to read the stories of those who are no longer with us, to look at the pictures of those held in captivity and learn more about the conflicts in our region. We expect you and your family will never have to run for your lives and lose sleep worrying for your loved ones, but if this ever happens, we promise not to side with your abusers.  


Signed by 278 women: Scientists, Environmentalists, Researchers, Lawyers, Politicians, Artists, Sustainability experts and more.


Signed by:

Adam Carn-Saferstein – Climate-Tech MBA, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Adi Ben David PhD –  Consultant, Water & Wastewater Engineering

Adi Berson – Environmental consultant and entrepreneur

Adi Harush – Sustainable Operation Manager at Startup.

Adi Raanan Ron, Adv., – Co Managing Director of Mimshak Fellowships Program – From Science to Policy

Adi Sela Yemini – Head of Sustainability and Business Development Manager

Adi Tamam – Teacher, graduated school of sustainability, Reichman University

Adv. Jonathan J. Jacobovitz, Council member at the municipality of Herzliya and chairmen of the environmental and sustainability municipal committees.

Amit Bracha, adv., Executive Director, Adam Teva V’Din – Israel Union for Environmental Defense

Anat Schrotter – Director of Industries, Hazardous Materials and Air Pollution, Jerusalem Municipality

Anna Zhuravel – Environmental Consultant,  MSc

Arik Rosenblum – CEO EcoOcean

Assaf Ariel- PhD, EcoOcean

Aviva Peeters – CEO & co-founder, TerraVision Lab

Bar Saggie – Sustainability & Economics student, Reichman University

Barami Rona – Israel

Bernadette Bouwer – Climate resilience director in Adam Teva V’edin

Cecile Blilious – Head of Impact & Sustainability Pitango

Chen Heffetz – Environmental consultant

Dalia Raphael – Marine Sciences and Marine Environment student, Ruppin Academic Center.

Dalia Tal – Campaign Manager Zalul

Dalit Segev Cattan – Environmental Consultant

Dana Mereminsky – school of Sustainability, Reichman University

Dana Roded– Eastern Negev Environmental protection unit Environmental Planner

Dana Ziv – Consumption & waste reduction manager at TLV municipality

Daniela London – Journalist

Daniella Vatine – Architect and Environmental Consultant

Danielle Talker – Green building consultant

Daphna Ben Yacov – COO, Plastic Recycling, Israel

Daphna Rosenbaum – Innovation & Sustainability Resource Manager – Kfar Saba Municipality

Dawn Hanen – sustainable living project manager, Community Saving the Environment Company

Dennise Belmaker – Environmental licensing and hazard prevention, Herzliya Municipality.

department, Sharon-Carmel Cities Organization for the Environment

Dikla Aharonovich – Lab manager, Department of Marine Biology, University of Haifa.

Dorit Chassid, Sustainability Manager, Dizengof Center

Dr Michal Shatkay, PhD in environmental sciences, Environmental, human rights and peace activist

Dr Olga Shomron – Research Associate, Weizmann Institute of Science

Dr Tal Golan – Environmental consultant, sustainability expert, CEO, Tardis.

Dr. Adi Maimon – Water & Environment scientist, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Dr. Anat Peretz –  Environmental consultant, ELM Environmental Engineering LTD

Dr. Efi Farber- Hydrology and Geochemistry Consultant.

Dr. Eidit Handelsman Benory – Sustainability & Environmental manager

Dr. Gal Zagron – R&D Manager at chief scientist office, Ministry of Environmental Protection

Dr. Gilmor Keshet

Dr. Hagit Ulanovsky, co-founder and director, SP interface

Dr. Karni Krigel – Bar-Ilan University.

Dr. Liat Ben David, CEO – Davidson Institute of Science Education

Dr. Mali Nevo – Sustainability researcher

Dr. Michal Bitterman – CEO and co-founder The Natural Step Israel
Shlomit Doten Gissin –
Environmental Planner

Dr. Michal Stern – Head of Sea Emergency National Volunteers Network. EcoOcean.

Dr. Nadine Spitz Beigelman – environmental consultant

Dr. Natalie De Falco – DeserTech Knowledge Center, Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben Gurion University

Dr. Noa Sher, CSO Minovia Therapeutics, Board member NALA Neglected Tropical Diseases Advocacy Learning and Action

Dr. Noga Naor

Dr. Riva Waldman – Waste Management & Environmental Communication Expert

Dr. Shani Levy – The Leon H.Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa.

Dr. Shiri Zemah-Shamir – Senior lecturer, school of sustainability, Reichman University

Dr. Tal Idan – Post doctoral fellow, Biomolecular sciences, The Weizmann Institute of Sciences.

Dr. Tzipi Iser Itsiq – Head Of Environmental Law and Sustainability Dep. , Lipa Meir & Co

Dr. Tzvia Gildor – The Leon H.Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa

Dr. Yael Barki Gateno – Green Network, Education for Sustainable Development in all the societies in Israel.

Efrat Beck – The Leon H.Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa

Einat Zucketman Tal – community manager –  EcoOcean

Elena Wald – environmental consultant

Ella Kotlar – Environmental regulation manager

Emma Maor – Food waste reduction, Retail Tech, senior consultant

Eng. Limor Hoshen- Owner and CEO  of Hoshen engineering and consultant Environment Health & Safety

Eng. Ori Halbershtat – Environmental hydrology, geochemistry & pedology, Lithosol Env.

Erez Haya – Environmental lawyer

Evelyn Anca – CEO Plastic Free Israel

Eyal Udassin – CTO, Automato Robotics

Eynat Gefen Segal – Sustainability and Environmental Expert

Eynav (Navi) Cohen, Ph.D candidate. Apex Predator Laboratory, Morris Kahn Marine Research Station, Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel.

Gadi Kliger – Climate tech startup bilder

Gal Haim – Sustainability & government student, Reichman University

Gali Feldboy Klinger – Sustainability director, ubq materials

Galia Ben-Shoham – Environmental Planner

Galia CUKIERMAN – Lecturer in the Hebrew University, PhD researcher in Tel Aviv University, TEDx Organiser and activist

Galia hanoch Roe – green network

Galia Limor-Sagiv – Environment and landscape researcher

Galia Pasternak PhD – University of Haifa

Galia Schutz – Head of impact, Molet

Galit Kenigsberg, Eco-Arena, Hashmal100

Galit Ofer, Adv. – Partner, Head of environmental law and sustainability, Shibolet Law Firm

Geula Michael Bitton, doctoral student, Natural Resources and Environmental Management, University of Haifa

Gitit Chromo – BA government and sustainability, Reichman University

Hadar Gatenyo – Sustainability & Economics student, Reichman University; Extended producer responsibility office, Environmental protection ministry.

Hadar Manor – Industrial Engineer Manager, Project Manager, ESG Manager, Sustainability Expert

Hadas Ganot Dotan Co founder,COO Rplace Climatech

Hadas Marshall – Ecologist and biodiversity officer.

Hadas Merzel – Engis Ltd, CEO, israel

Hadas Merzel, Engis Ltd israel

Hadas Pe’er – Sustainable built environment specialist

Hadas Shachnai – Environmental consultant

Hagar Maayan Solomon – Environmental consultant

Hagit Geffen – CEO of The Green Network

Hana Rado – Group19 and Supersonas

Harel Dikla – climate change leader and guide

Hema Peswani – Environmental Consultant & TA at the School of Sustainability, Reichman University

Hila Ackerman – Head of sustainability, the Federation of regional councils

Hila Adud – Facilities Director

Hila Leo Shapira – Partner and founder at Ayana, Strategic Sustainable Development counseling agency

Hila Meshulam– Sustainability business partner, Merieux NutriScience

Hila Rotbart Raz – climate change and waste officer

Idita israeli

Ifat Zamir – MD, HiCity, Innovation, Herzliya Municipality

Inbal Miron Levy –Shomrei Habit, Israel Citizens for safe energy

Inbal Oren – Corporate & Sustainability Manger

Inbar Margulis – Environmental activist

Iris Arbel, former manager of sustainability and environmental education

Iris Raz– Environment and Sustainability Department manager. Israeli Airports Authority

IRIS Shichor Dr. – Co-CEO Biochange, Tissue Regeneration

Israeli Miri – parentes for climate, Israel

Judi Lax – Ph.D student, Climate Activist

Karine Tenenzap – Environment specialist

Karnit Gelfman – General manager, Liquid gas, recycling solutions

Keren Barkat – Marketing and Sustainability specialist

Keren Gordo Parker – Sustainability & Cultural coordinator kibbutz Regavim

Keren Mimran, Founder, VP Business Development, Edete, resilient ag-tech startup

Keren-Or Rosner – EMBA Candidate,  Brown University,  Climate, Sustainability Impact Consultant

Keshet Razili Michaeli – Galil mountain winery

Lea Leshem, real estate appraiser

Lee Ben Nun – Environmental Engineer and project manager

Liat Roded– environmental planner

Lihi Luzon Beranen – Researcher, school of Sustainability Reichman University

Limor Gorelik – Plastic and waste pollution manager, Zalul Environmental Association

Linda Perry – VP Customer Success, Kando Environmental Services

Lior Manzur – Business consulting

Liti Haramaty – Marine Researcher, Environmental Activist

Maayan Chai – sustainable winemaker and viticultural

Margarita Smirnov – Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Central Fish Health Laboratory

Marina Veselova – Sustainability & Government student, Reichman University. Israel planning administration employee

Maya Crabtree – Director of Climate and Sustainability, Forum 15

Maya Jacobs – Environmental activist and entrepreneur

Maya Sigal – co-founder, Safe Wildlfie Crossings Israel

Meir Family – Environmental Engineers and activists

Meirav Avigdor– Environmental & compliance Manager, Chevron

Meirav Gavish– Environmental manager Nesher Ramla.

Meirav Shabtay- Environmental consultant

Meital Peleg Mizrachi – Post doctoral fellow at Yale University, department of economics

Melina Dayan – M.Sc in Atmospheric Sciences from Tel Aviv University. Environmental activist.

Merav Nir – Head of Marketing, Precycle – Home Recycling Technologies

Meytal Amitay – Environmental Unit, Ashkelon District  – CEO

Michael Yanay- sustainability & governance student

Michal Levi Arbel – ESG manager and sustainability entrepreneur

Michal Sarfati PhD. – Senior consultant for Sustainability and the Environment

Michal Topaz PhD – Head of Sustainability Education, Davidson institute of science education.

Michal Volansky, Environmental education expert

Michal Werber- Project manager and environmental consultant at 2B Friendly (NGO)

Michal Ziv – Environmental activist

Mika Blumenthal – School of Sustainability and Economics, Reichman University

Miki Haimovich – former MK, chair , The Heschel Center for Sustainability

Mor Achimeir –  elm environmental engineering, ceo

Mor Gilboa – Zalul environmental association, CEO

Moran Berger – Environmental activist and entrepreneur. Founder of Rehovot Shel Etzim (Streets of trees).

Moran Berger – Environmental activist and entrepreneur. Founder of Rehovot Shel Etzim (Streets of trees).

Moran Neeman- Hydrology and drainage consultant.

Moran Shaanan – Head of Recycling, The Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection

Moria Zhut – student at school of Sustainability, Reichman University,

Naama Tessler Ph.D – Fire ecologist and geomorphologist

Naama Wald, PhD – Jerusalem

Naor Freidenson- youth climate activist

Natalie Binder – Environmental Engineer

Nirit Gekker Tvizer – Sustainability manager at Landa cooperation

Niv Schwartz, MBA – Sustainable Finance Specialist, Co-Founder of Kaima Technologies Ltd

Noa Cohen Kissinger– Eastern Negev Environmental protection unit Sustainability Coordinator

Noa Jeselsohn – Lawyer and Geologist

Noa Orbach Even – architect and city planner

Noa Sharon – M.Sc. Summa Cum Laude (TAU) ; Jewelry Designer, Activist, Co-Founder & Manager of Sustainable Fashion Forum in Israel.

Noga Levtzion Nadan – CEO of Greeneye ESG, and Managing Partner of Value Squared Responsible Investment House.

Noga SokoloverPhD, the Steinhart Museum of Natural History

Noga Yungrise– Environmental consultant

Nurit Gilboa – Environmental Engineer

Odeliah Cohen – M.A in Sustainable Development (TAU), Environmental activist.

Ori Livne – Environmental Consultant

Orit Farhi- Environment and Sustainability Department Israeli Airports Authority .

Orit Nevo – Nevo – Communication & Environmental strategies

Orly Aharoni, Adv.

Orly Ariav, Adv. M.UR.P. – Environmental Lawyer and Urban Planner

Orly Miller- Eastern Negev Environmental protection unit Industry Coordinator

Osnat Avital – Environmental Engineer, CSO Vert

Osnat Wertheim – Director of the Environment Department, Bromain compounds

Pazit Schweid-shait, ,environmental activist

PhD Sarit Oked – Arad

Pnina Sheffer Emmanuel, Adv. – Partner, head of environmental law practice group-S. Horowitz & co

Prof Yael Parag – School of Sustainability, Reichman University

Prof. Adi Wolfson – Green Activist, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Be’er Sheva

Prof. Ilana Berman-Frank – Univ Haifa, Head Mediterranean Research Center of Israel.

Prof. Maya Negev – University of Haifa.

Prof. Shlomit Paz, Climatologist and climate change researcher, Head of Climate and Environmental Sustainability Center, University of Haifa, Israel

Prof. Sigal Abramovich– Chair, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Prof. Tali Mass- Associate professor, Department of Marine Biology, University of Haifa

Prof. Tamar Lotan – The Leon H.Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa

Prof. Uri Shanas – CEO of This is My Earth

Prof. Yoram Gerchman – Environmental Biochemist in Oranim College and University of Haifa; Board member in the Israeli chapter of This is My Earth

Professor Einat Segev- Assistant Professor, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science

Rabbi Aharon Ariel Lavi, founder and co-director, Hakhel Community Network

Rachel Schwartz MA, CPA

Racheli Barak  – Environmental engineering

Raz Eitan-Coocks – Environmental Economist, DHVMED

Responsible investments and sustainable accounting

Reut Farber Oron – Food Technologist

Reut Tsegamlack – Sustainability & government student, Reichman University

Ronit Shahar – Environment manager, Strauss Israel

Rony Bruell – Environmental Consultant, Founder of “Israeli Forum of Women in the Environment”

Rotem Lehiman QA MANAGER, Ginegar

Roy Weidberg – Head of ESG,  SolarEdge

Ruth Talby Rufaisen – Director of Environmental Affairs, Netzer Hasharon.

Sagit Erez – M.Sc. Agricultural Engineering Sciences

Sarit Asraf Levi – Member of Ramat-Gan city council,  Chairman of Ramat-Gan Environmental protection Committee

Sarit Caspi Oron, Water quality and river restoration

Sarit Moyal– Eastern Negev Environmental protection unit Educational Coordinator

Shahaf Samuch  – Head of licensing, Rotem Energy

Shahar Livne – PhD candidate,  the School of Public Health, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Shahar Yahav – Green Building consultant

Shaked Shefy Cohen – Deputy CEO of the The Israeli society of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Shani Ashkenzi – Journalist

Sharon Chai – Retired assistant professor at Tel Hai college

Sharon Manor– Project Manager, Huminn Biotechnology

Sharon Salkinder – City and Regional Planner

Sharon Shalev – Tamir

Shelly Bar Siman Tov– CEO Hofesh- Environmental Education.

Shira Givati – PhD student, Department of Marine Biology, University of Haifa

Shira Lapid – student at school of Sustainability, Reichman University

Shira Shenkar –  Sustainability & Economics student, Reichman University

Shiri Heffer – Environmental economist

Shiri Solomon– Environmental engineer

Shirley Kantor – Sustainability and Impact consultant

Shirly Kalush – Agri-food tech consultant. Former UN and World Bank.

Shulamit Nussboim, Ph.D student in hydrology, the School of Environmental Studies, University of Haifa and Volcani Instiitute; volunteer in “Golan Savers” association

Shylee  Levin – Environmental Planner,  sustainable development.

Sigalit Mutzafi – CEO & co founder, Radgreen Environmental Analitics

Tal Gabso – Sustainability & Economics student, Reichman University

Tal Tenne Czaczkes – Artist, entrepreneur, and environmental activist

Tali Kaplan Finish– Director of the Sustainability and Environment Division, Rishon LeZion Municipality

Tamar Raviv – Jerusalem

Tamar Tenenbaum, Head of the education department, Ecoocean

Tamara Sharon Ross – Co-Executive Director, The Heschel Center for Sustainability

Tammy Gannot Rosenstreich, adv, Adam Teva V’Din – Israel Union for Environmental Defense

Tsuf Moisesco Yiflach. PhD.

Uri Hashiloni, 2020 Struggle.

Vanessa Kacherginsky – CEO, The Israeli Forum For Impact Economy

Vered Ziso-Cohen – Planning Coordinator, The Heschel Center for Sustainability.

Yaara Ben Nahum – Renewable Energy Coordinator, Heschel Sustainability Center.

Ya’ara Tsairi – PhD candidate, sustainable transport, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and environmental activist.

Yael Cohen Paran, former Knesset Member, Co-chair of the Green Movement party

Yael Dori, Head of Planning, Adam Teva V Din

Yael Fridman- Environmental Consultant

Yael Harman – Head of energy and climate the Israeli ministry of energy

Yael Kaplan – Sustainability and Environmental Expert

Yael Shaked Mandelberg– PhD student -school of sustainability, Reichman University

Yael Weitz, co-founder and CEO, ‘Changing Environment’


Yanir Davidzada – climate activist and software engineer

Yarden Israeli – youth climate activist

Yifat Meirovitz Yefet,  Council member and second to the mayor, Rishon Le Zion & Environmental consultant, CEO


Yoni Sappir – chairman, Israel Home Guardians ; administration board member, Life & Environment (union of the majority of Israelis environmental NGOs)

Yuval Malki – BA sustainability and government, Reichman University





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    Anna Shleyfer


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Tie a Blue Ribbon #BringThemHome

Demand the Release the 220  hostages held by Hamas in Gaza

  1. Tie a Blue Ribbon around a tree trunk
  2. If you can – Post an image of an Israeli hostage next to the ribbon
  3. Take a picture 
  4. Send us the picture for the photo gallery
  5. Post on Social Media with the hashtag #IsrealBlueRibbon